About Us
FIRST scar clinic and Dermatology service is a state of the art facility to provide a dedicated service for the treatment of all kinds of Scars, small and big, Atrophic and Hypertrophic as well as Keloids. We aim to improve the outlook of Acne, Surgical, Traumatic and Burns. Scars using a wide range of treatment modalities including state of the arts Lasers, Medical and Surgical techniques. We also aim to provide treatment of general skin diseases of the highest standards available. The lead dermatologist, Dr Mohammad Khurshid Azam Basra who also works as a consultant dermatologist at the NHS England endeavors to provide a level of medical dermatology care locally to match UK standards.

About Dr M. K. A. BASRA
Personal Details
Doctor Name: Dr Mohammad Khurshid Azam Basra
Specialties: Consultant Dermatologist
Experience: 25+ Years
Graduation: 1994 from King Edward Medical College
Dermatology Qualifications: DDSc and MD from the Cardiff University in UK in 2003 and 2007 respectively
SCE in Dermatology: from the Royal College of Physicians, London in 2014
Research and Teaching
Dermatology Department: Cardiff University from 2007 until 2012
Academic Research: Quality of life, Clinical decision making, and Medication compliance
Research Articles:
- British Journal of Dermatology,
- Journal of American Academy of Dermatology,
- Journal of Investigative Dermatology,
- Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology
- Venereology

More About Dr M. K. A. BASRA
He has also presented his research work at a number of international dermatology meetings. He has been working at the consultant level in the National Health Service (NHS) England for a number of years treating patients with both common and complex skin conditions. He has particular interest in skin surgery and management of complex scars. He has received training from experts in this field from USA, UK and Italy. Finally Dr Basra believes that satisfactory treatment of scars can be life changing for patients especially for patients with burn scars and is hoping to bring his expertise to Pakistan at a professional standard comparable to other developed countries of the world.